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  • The Italy Ministerial Alliance will host the Christmas Tree Lighting and Service at Central Baptist Church followed by hot chocolate at the Pavilion on Dec. 1 at 5pm. Christmas Festival and Lighted Parade is Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 3pm-8pm.  If you want to be in the parade, vendor or have a booth, please stop by City Hall for a form.

A Note from the City Administrator

  • November 7, 2024

The City of Italy decided in a council meeting to adopt an ordinance to raise the water/sewer rates. Rates have not been increased since September 2011 (13 years ago). It has come to our attention that the step increase and tiers after the 2,000-gallon minimum bill will need to be re-evaluated.

The City of Italy is working towards remedying this issue and the time frame for this correction is unknown, however, the City is working diligently to correct this issue. Each account will be handled case by case.

We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 972-483-7329.

Thank you,

Keith Whitfield, City of Italy Administrator

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