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  • Upcoming events:  MLK Day 1/20/25; Town Hall Meeting 1/23/25, 6pm 

Information Disclosure Info

Information in your City of Italy Utilities Department customer account record, including information regarding customer usage, services, and billing, including amounts billed or collected for utility usage, is generally excepted from disclosure under Texas Government Code, Chapter 552 (Public Information Act). 

However, the Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 182 (Rights of Utilities Customers) provides that a customer of a government-operated utility may request that the government-operated utility disclose personal information in a customer’s account record, including the customer’s address, or any information relating to the volume or units of utility usage or the amounts billed to or collected from the individual for utility usage.  Additionally, a customer or a representative of the customer may receive information excepted from disclosure if the information directly relates to utility service provided to the customer and is not otherwise confidential by law.  The attached form enables you to request disclosure of certain information under Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 182.  If you wish to request disclosure of your information, please check the boxes on the form and return to City Hall or the Water Department.

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